Traditional Medicine – 12 wrong Habits can make your kidneys are damaged – The kidney is a vital organ that serves to filter a range of processed waste products enter into the human body issued through urine. Not only that, the kidneys also kept the balance of fluids and electrolytes are right inside our body.
Kidney does have important functions in the human body, apart from helping to excrete toxins in the body. The kidneys can also retain essential substances are present for ‘ excretion ‘ such as glucose, blood cells, and some vitamins and also minerals.
Considering how important the role of the kidneys in the human body, the very need to be remembered by us to always keep our body’s health mainly kidneys. Is rendered in the page Boldsky, there are some bad customs that is commonly used by humans unwittingly will damage the kidneys in a fast or slow. Following his review:
The first often restrain urination.
When there is an urgency to urinate, you should immediately do so as early as possible. Because as the anchoring of urine in Your bladder will put pressure of urine in the kidneys and can lead to kidney failure.
Second, too much asup salt.
Consuming too much sodium increases blood pressure You are putting pressure on the kidneys. People who suffer from high blood pressure should go for kidney examinations, because the first effects of high blood pressure is kidney.
Third, too much caffeinated drinks.
Such as coffee can also make the kidney is damaged. That is because the sharp increase in blood pressure that can give the burden on the kidneys.
Fourth, the lack of sleep time.
Have sleep disorders may have a direct effect on the kidneys. Research has shown that sleep disorders cause kidney failure
Fifth, Less drinking mineral water.
This causes the retention of some toxic chemicals in the kidney that causes the kidney is damaged. These toxins then get accumulated in the blood and can damage other organs. Therefore, you should drink plenty of water to excrete toxins.
Sixth, a deficiency of vitamin B6 which is important for kidney function.
Research shows, the lack of which can increase the risk of kidney stones. You should eat foods that are rich in vitamin B6 such as beans, vegetables that contain a ‘ flour ‘ such as potatoes, and others.
Seventh, the shortage of magnesium.
It is also important to your kidneys. Magnesium helps in the absorption and distribution of calcium in the body. If we rarely magnesium consumption then the calcium will be accommodated inside the kidneys resulting in kidney stones.
Eighth, the abuse of the drug.
Sometimes you take drugs too often and in doses too large. When the pain comes, you just swallow a pill minded directly. But, you have to think twice. All pharmaceutical medications cause side effects factory, and many other causes, including kidney organ damage.
Ninth, too much protein.
According to the study, consuming too much protein in your diet can harm the kidneys. Because protein substances containing ammonia. This is where the poison the kidneys need to neutralize. More protein means kidneys will be a lot of ‘ work ‘, where it can cause decreased kidney function.
Tenth, alcoholic beverages.
Toxins found in alcohol is not only damaging to the liver, but also in the kidneys. This will increase the workload on the kidneys and kidney will break down slowly. One way to avoid kidney disease is not to drink alcohol.
Eleventh, smoking.
Cigarette smoking has been associated with the ‘ arthrosclerosis ‘. Narrowing and hardening of the blood vessels affects the blood supply to all vital organs, including the kidneys. Based on research, two cigarettes a day enough to fold the duplicate number of endothelial cells that are present in your blood. It is a signal of damage to arteries.
The twelve, not treating the disease as simple as flu, cold and more quickly.
You sometimes ignore the flu. You force your body to work and did not take proper breaks. That can cause kidney damage. Studies have shown that people who are not sufficient rest and recover well, often end up with kidney disease.